The TiXo3 Hart protocol temperature converters are suitable for converting a wide range of input signals:
Conversion of temperature measurement for temperature sensor PT100,PT1000,Ni 100,Ni 1000
Thermocouples: K, J, E, N, T, R, S, L,U,B,C,D,G,mV
Linear resistance and potentiometer for level sensors or valve positioners
These converters are suitable for DIN B head mounting and are certified for ATEX classified zones
There are four possible configuration modes:
HART interface (Georgin TIXLINK4 Hart configuration kit USB/232 modem)
With the ProgressXmanager software free from the Georgin website
Using the SDC-625 software of the HART application
with FDT configuration interface with HART 5-6-7 compatibility
EDD file available on Georgin website